Interview with Audrey Keith

Hello There!

Today is the opening night of The Vagina Monologues here at UMF, so we have a special interview with a cast member from the show, Audrey Keith.


What is your year and major?

Audrey: I am a first year and my major is visual arts.


Why did you want to be involved with this production?

Audrey: I actually was asked after production had already started, and I had wanted to do something in the theater department like acting. I was concerned about the time commitment, but when I was told about the piece and its relation to feminism I was convinced to take part in it.


Who is the character that you play?

Audrey: She’s a 30 year old woman who goes to something called a vagina workshop, and learns how her vagina isn’t something to be ashamed about, which is what she previously thought. She learns to feel empowered for who she is.


What is your favorite line or moment your character has?

Audrey: My monologue starts out kind of like a poem…. In the first paragraph of my monologue I probably say vagina more times than I don’t. At first I was kind of, not startled necessarily, but it was definitely a little bit of a break out of my comfort zone. But everyone was so supportive that it was easy to do.


What do you like and dislike about your character?

Audrey: It’s about this girl that has been sheltered from learning about her vagina, based on culture and stereotypes. She grows through it and finds empowerment in it. I don’t think there’s anything I dislike anything about the character (laughs).


How are you involved with the arts here at UMF?

Audrey: Well I am a visual arts student, and I love meeting other arts students and seeing their work. As far as clubs and organizations, I just got into The Lawn Chair pirates, I have been part of Deep Treble. We(Deep Treble) will be performing tonight at the show, and doing songs relating to female empowerment . I Love all the arts students I’ve met and all my friends are so talented. I feel very supported in my artistic endeavors here.


Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Audrey: My favorite part of the show is all the people I’m working with, I love all of the girls and their monologues. They all work so hard. I was so nervous walking into my first reherasal  after they had been working on it for so long. But they were so supportive and they made me feel like I had another family. It’s overwhelming to have show weekend coming up, but I think I’ll also be sad when it’s over. Theater is always a family.


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